DALE CURRY at age 21, one of America's all time greatest models, his "training" was limited to a few light dumbell exercises. Maintaining what many belleve to be a perfect body has been no special effort for Dale. Happily married with two fine children, he seems to be one of those lucky people to

whom all good things come. AMC offers two sets of 12 photos

each on Dale, $2.50 set,

13 catalogs $1.30.

CHUCK COLLRAS, Mr. Venice 1957, Ht 5'4, 155 lbs. Arms 17", chest 46", waist 29", thighs 24", calves 15" neck 16". Chuck lives by Muscle Beach California, Iand works out in the sun, about 4 to 5 times a week. He is very powerful, uses over 300 lbs in the prone (bench) press, squats with over 400 lbs, and military presses over 200 lbs. Is very diet conscious, stressing high protein. Is employed at an aircraft factory but also works as a gym instructor. And we almost forgot, his age is 25.

Herb Dixon Box 651 Ocean Park California took the picture. He offers a catalog of Chuck for $1.

PROGRESS OF ART IN A NATION OF FILTHY MINDS. In addition to concerning himself with the usual problems of tone, rendering, and art-form, the physique photographer and artist may not rest with the knowledge that his intentions are pure and aesthetic, but rather he must study every product from every viewpoint and angle to make certain a secondary "suggestive" meaning is not also present. To wholesome minds this is not an easy task, though it seems there are an abundance of "Mrs Grundys" all over our USA who make a business of ferretting out every possible misinterpretation they can find. A few weeks ago, one of these in Hollywood was able to cause VIM magazine to be cleared from certain stands because of a shot of a boy fishing while posed in a strap, because she felt the fishing pole was phallic. Likewise, Physique Pictorial's Chicago printer demanded the removal from the Fall 57 issue of a Quaintance painting called "Elephant Boy" because they felt self-appointed censors would interpret the elephant's trunk as phallic. If this line of reasing gets in full swing, the face of America will change indeed. All of the great skyscrapers must come down--because you know what they were intended to represent! Smoke stacks are prime offenders (and not just for smog). Meat packers had best take warning now and prepare in the future to offer bologna, wieners, salami, etc in square blocks because the present "provocative" form will not be tolerated. (Apollo International indiscretely used one of the latter as a meat course in their film "In the Flesh" and will probably be banned in Boston for their folly.) These are all the examples we could think of off hand-ask Mrs Grundy for more.

It is little wonder that there is an acute shortage of psychiatrists in America. If the disciples of Anthony Comstock are increasingly successful in gaining official backing for their prurient censorship activities, none of us will be able to go through our essential morning toilet without being overcome by crushing guilt complexes. Frankly, we think Americas are going to get sick and tired of having frustrated, filthy minded "prudes" dictate the "acceptable" art for this county and will give them a good old bronk cheer whenever they raise their ugly heads.

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READER SUGGESTS WE IGNORE THE CENSORS: "In re your article pg 14 Fall 57 PP, I feel the logical way to attack censorship would be to ignore it and forget it even exists. Eventually people in high places will begin to feel 'Say, you know that old business of censorship was pretty silly after all. We dont feed it. We might as well get rid of it. The effect of this approach would be to cause the death of censorship due to lack of activity. Deny the censors the desired attention, and they will 'shut up." J.S. Los Angeles.

.... Editor's note: Over 6 million Jews in Germany ignored the menace of Hitler and even as they were being packed in box cars headed for the gas chambers, refused to believe what was happening. Censorship is a desease that feeds on itself. Granted, when it reaches ridiculous extremes it will topple of its own weight, but in the meantime irreparable harm may have been done. In the past priceless art objects have been destroyed in the name of hypocritical morality, and just recently it took the best efforts of the Kinsey foundation to save from destruction a library of educational material of inestiminable value to scholars and psychologists. The censor is a bully and will back down if we all stand up to him. Page 7